Sustainability - Apheon Icon

Our vision & approach on sustainability

We believe responsible investment is crucial for long-term success and that private equity firms have a key role to play given their ability to invest and transform businesses

Our Approach

Holistic support throughout
the investment cycle

We believe it is essential that all aspects of ESG are equally and continuously addressed. This is why we are active at every stage of the investment cycle, applying proprietary methodologies to support our companies, building around five priorities that cover a broad ESG spectrum


Sustainable revenues

Increasing the share of revenues which directly benefit the environment and/or society, whenever relevant

Beyond the positive impact for the planet and society, we believe that business models which channel a meaningful part of revenues to the benefit of the environment or society are more valuable as they create differentiation from competition, attract and retain top talent, limit some costs.

This is why, even if Apheon is not an impact fund, we are keen to systematically consider how our companies could generate further of these sustainable revenues.

Sustainability - Apheon Sustainable Revenues
Sustainability - Apheon Carbon


Reducing emissions

We believe that climate change is one of the major challenges of our generation and we are convinced that, in addition to reducing the negative externalities on the planet, being a low-carbon business will increasingly become a key competitive advantage.

This is why we have ensured that each of our portfolio companies systematically conducts a full carbon assessment by the end of the first year of Apheon’s investment and should thereafter implement a carbon reduction plan.



Creating a positive working environment to attract, develop and retain the best talent

We believe that people are a company’s most precious asset and that a positive working environment is key to attracting, developing and retaining the best talent.

This is why we encourage our companies to perform social barometers on a regular basis and create accountability by implementing actionable follow-ups.

Sustainability Apheon Talent
Sustainability - Apheon Youth, diversity & inclusion

Youth, diversity & inclusion

Fostering a more inclusive society

Beyond business, we believe we have a collective responsibility to foster a more inclusive society, in particular for the youth of today.

This is why we actively support youth, diversity & inclusion initiatives in our ecosystem by bringing together different stakeholders – our internal teams, portfolio companies, investors as well as charitable organizations across Europe – to raise funds, support mentoring programs and create job opportunities across Europe.

With the goal of having scalable and meaningful impact on youth, diversity & inclusion across Europe, we have established a comprehensive 3-pronged approach which consists of (i) raising funds (through our foundation Apheon Philanthropy and the Apheon Challenge), (ii) mentoring (through Apheon 1:1 Mentoring and Apheon Career Workshops) and (iii) offering internship and job opportunities.


Apheon’s in-house foundation supports projects related to youth, diversity & inclusion across Europe by providing grants and funds to charitable organizations that align with these goals.

Funding comes from 3 main sources: revenues generated from Apheon’s operations, donations from Apheon’s employees and stakeholders, and funds raised during the annual Apheon Challenge.

Sustainability - Apehon Philanthropy

The Apheon Challenge

An annual sporting event organized by Apheon with the goal of raising funds for organizations across Europe that support youth, diversity & inclusion. All members from Apheon’s ecosystem – Apheon’s internal teams, portfolio companies and their employees, investors, external advisors and other stakeholders – are invited to participate.







Benefitted Organizations


Apheon Mentoring

While financial support is important, giving time and sharing experiences can also make a significant impact.

A student from an Apheon Philanthropy’s beneficiary organization is paired with a professional (who can be from Apheon or a portfolio company) for a period of 6 months. The professional acts as a mentor, sharing experiences and lending support where needed. This generally includes CV reviews, preparing for job interviews or acting as a general resource.

One-hour workshops each led by a professional (who can be from Apheon, a portfolio company or an investor) for a group of students from our beneficiary organizations. Key objective of the workshops is to share advice with students before they embark on their professional journeys. Topics of conversation include career paths and choices, professional ups and downs, and work-life balance.

Job Opportunities

Apheon aims to open internship and job opportunities to students from our beneficiary organizations in our portfolio companies across Europe.

Apheon’s portfolio companies in turn benefit from the access to a young pool of talent from diverse backgrounds.



Reporting on metrics transparently, and being transparent on potential obstacles

We believe transparency is key to a successful sustainability strategy and a pre-condition for progress.

This is why we ensure that each of our portfolio companies systematically reports on its non-financial KPIs by the end of the first year of Apheon’s investment. We further work with them to progressively implement the highest standards of good sustainability governance.

Sustainability - Apheon Transparency

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) disclosures

Where applicable, disclosures for funds categorized as Article 8 under SFDR can be found in the Investor Data Room.

Principal Adverse Impacts consideration

While Apheon takes into account sustainability factors in its investment process, it does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as specifically set out in the SFDR. Apheon has chosen not to do so for the present time, since it considers its current ESG policies and procedures to be appropriate and proportional to the investment strategies of its funds. Apheon monitors regulatory developments with respect to the SFDR and other applicable ESG-focused laws and regulations, and will, as appropriate, make changes to existing policies and procedures.

As a part of its commitment to responsible investment, Apheon has identified two specific environmental and social characteristics that it will seek to promote in particular within its managed Funds’ portfolio companies. These are:

(a) promoting CO2 reduction plans within the Funds’ portfolio companies; and

(b) promoting diversity and inclusion amongst the management and staff of such companies.

Our Organization

A powerful ecosystem across Europe

In our view, it is important that non only Apheon’s teams but also all our stakeholders are part of this approach to sustainability. This is why we have developed a powerful ecosystem made up of people from our internal teams, managers and employees of our companies, investors, experts, charitable organizations and external institutions, who all contribute to and support our methodologies and initiatives


Sustainability is at the core of our strategy

We believe in contributing to the development of sustainable finance